5 Tips to Keep Oily Hair Clean without Overdrying
If you view your oily hair as a curse, think again – it’s actually more ideal to have hair that is slightly oily than hair that is too dry. Nonetheless, the buildup of oils can make hair look “greasy,” which is not an image of beauty. Below, you will learn some expert tips for managing […]
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6 Things Your Hair Stylist Wants You to Know
If you plan on going to the hair salon anytime soon, you’ll want to read this first. There are a few things your hair stylist wants you to know, because it will make their life easier – and give you the results you really want. Ready to find out what those things are? 1: A […]
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How to Keep Your Hair Healthy This Winter
Most people know that the hot, humid summer months can wreak havoc on your hair. From split ends and oily roots to chlorine or sun damage, you probably have a hair care routine and product arsenal to help you combat summer hair issues. But did you know that the chilly winter months can cause its […]
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4 Reasons Mom Wants a Salon Gift Card for the Holidays
If you’re not sure what to get your mom for Christmas this year, you’ve come to the right place. The one thing every mom really wants is a salon gift card – trust us! Not convinced this is the perfect gift for her? Check out these four simple reasons your mom really wants a gift […]
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How Some Hair Styles Can Make You Look Older
While its easy to stick with a hairstyle you like, that do you rocked in your teens or 20’s may actually be making you look older than you are. Looks well suited for soft, youthful features are not always a good fit for a defined, more mature beauty. Today we’re going to take a look […]
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Here Are Some Tips to Make Your Hair Look Thicker
Many people struggle with hair loss, whether hereditary or from external sources. External sources might include the overuse of chemicals, thyroid replacement medications, birth control, anti-anxiety pills, malnutrition, or any other number of causes. Although it is men who make up the majority of 80 million hair loss sufferers, women also suffer from the issue. […]
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How to Get Through that Awkward Hair Regrowth Stage when Growing Out Your Hair
“It’s just hair. It’ll grow back.” It’s a common phrase said by men and women across the country every single day, and while it’s 100% correct, it’s not always 100% easy. Growing out your hair after a short cut can be a bit problematic, especially during the in-between stages that can make you look unkempt, […]
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5 Ways to Be a Good Hair Guest
You’ve seen it on TV and in the movies; the relationship between a stylist and his or her guests can be therapeutic, to say the least. If you want to develop a great relationship with your favorite stylist, there are a few things you can do to increase your chances. Here are five different ways […]
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Simple Ways to Get Rid of That Dry Scalp
A dry, itchy scalp is embarrassing and frustrating, to say the very least. If you want to get rid of dry scalp and the dandruff that sometimes accompanies it, it’s important to first get to the root cause. Here, you’ll learn a few different ways to get rid of dry scalp based on your symptoms […]
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Summer’s Here – How to Protect Your Hair from the Beach Sun
Sun-kissed highlights are popular all year round, but believe it or not, just as the sun can damage your skin, it can also wreak havoc on your hair. Here’s what you need to know about the sun’s effects on your hair and some things you can do to protect it. Sun Damage and Your Hair […]
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Don’t Fall for These Aging Hair Mistakes
As you get older, it’s only natural that you’ll want to find ways to cover up those stubborn gray hairs and fight to restore your youthful, voluminous locks. There are some right ways to do these things, but there are some wrong ways, too. Here are some of the most common mistakes people make when […]
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Finish the Summer Strong with These Five Hair Tips
Summer is near its end, but that doesn’t mean you can forget about protecting your hair just yet. Make no mistake about it: August is hot! Soon, temperatures and humidity levels will reach their peaks. The sun will shine in abundance as rain clouds slowly disappear. It’s imperative that you protect your hair from increased […]
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Celebrity Hairstylist Discusses Important Hair Mistakes
We are just six months into 2016 and Kylie Jenner has changed her hairstyle at least six times. Pink tips, blonde tips, blue ends, mint green locks, a fully blonde wig, and a jet black wig with bangs have all been sported by the amazingly popular young star. Despite Jenner’s popularity, legendary and well respected […]
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5 Myths about Hair Care for Women
When it comes to hair care, women can receive conflicting information from the media, uneducated hairstylists and misinformed friends on a daily basis. While dozens of hair care myths abound, buying into some of these old wives’ tales can be both costly and detrimental to the health of your hair. Learn the truth to put […]
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Different Types of Water and how they affect your Hair
When it comes to hair care, not everyone is aware that the type of water they wash it in will have a direct effect on its appearance and overall behavior. For example, hair that is washed in soft water may look and feel completely different to hair washed in an area where the water supply […]
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How Social Media Fuels Women’s Hair Trends
A decade or so ago, hair trends and styles would remain relatively constant for as long as a few years at a time. However, the significant rise in social media use has resulted in most styles and trends lasting for a maximum of a season or a few months. Below are a few reasons why […]
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5 Reasons you Might be Losing your Hair
One of the most common health problems that affect men and women these days is that of hair loss. Although there can be a great number of reasons why this condition occurs to people of all ages, below are some of the more common causes. Stress or Traumatic Events If you have recently experienced a […]
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Why it’s So Important to Pay Attention to what You’re Putting in your Hair
Hairstylist Chaz Dean has been one of the most popular and well-known hair stylists in America for years, with a clientele that includes stars such as Charlize Theron and Brooke Shields. That fame has brought him into some legal controversy with hundreds of people coming forward and claiming that his hair care line Wen caused […]
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Did IBM Just Ask Women to Hack the Blow Dryer?
Recently, IBM stated that if women wanted to get involved in technology, they should #HackAHairDryer. This is not only one of the worst PR efforts in recent history; it is blatantly tacky and stereotypical because it is stating that the gender gap in the tech world can only be closed if women are ‘lured into […]
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